Cecil Bødker – The Water Farm



The Water Farm by Cecil Bødker
Translated from Danish by Michael Goldman
Published by Spyuten Duyvil Press 2017
211 pages


Sequel to Stories about Tacit and book two of The Water Farm Trilogy.
Continuing story of Tacit and other outsiders squatting on an abandoned farm in 1850s Denmark.

“mesmerizing and tender”   “riveting”

The Water Farm is mesmerizing and tender. It’s a deceptively simple story about a group of outcasts creating community on an abandoned farm, with characters both real and extraordinary. It’s surprising how relevant a story this is, though set in mid-1800s Denmark, exploring the making of art and the forging of human connections outside societal norms.

– Elli Meeropol, author of Kinship of Clover

“Michael Goldman’s translation of The Water Farm is riveting. This world is steeped with the unexpected, where fourteen year old girls have iron resolve, old men care for lost children, and love walks hand in hand with trust. No wonder Cecil Bødker is a literary treasure of Denmark.”

– Jacqueline Sheehan, New York Times bestselling novelist, author of The Center of the World.

…the Water Farm is a place of death, slowly returning to life.

– Søren Vinterberg, Information

…every word believable. Quite a rare achievement. The Water Farm is the ideal of fine, unassuming, story-telling craft.

–  Bent Mohn, Politikken