Daily Hampshire Gazette – A literary world: Local book translators inspired by love of languages

For María José Giménez, it started as far back as childhood, when she was more likely to curl up with a bilingual dictionary than a book.

For Michael Goldman, it was sparked by falling in love with a young Danish woman he met during a cultural exchange program in Denmark when he was in high school.

For Jeff Diteman, it was born from his experience studying linguistics at the Sorbonne in Paris and then living in France for several years.

What these three Valley residents have in common is what they jokingly call “a translation problem” — a frequent desire to take a book or text in one language and render it in another.

“I’d been reading books in Danish for 25 years for my own enjoyment,” Goldman said during a recent interview. “I got to a point where I really wanted to share some of that material with friends and family.

Read the rest of the article on the Daily Hampshire Gazette website.