
Poetry collections, performances, translations, and more… Here is what Michael is working on right now..

The Preacher

June 12, 2024

Swinging through “The Preacher” by Horace Silver

Rattle Poetry

June 9, 2024

Top-notch poem at Rattle Poetry today, June 9, in honor of the Stonewall Uprising: We Don’t Call It a Riot by Chad Frame. Check it out here.

Queueing For Ice Cream by Brian Bilstone

June 6, 2024

A poem in commemoration of D-Day by Brian Bilstone

Out of the Blue Now Out

June 2, 2024

Nice publicity for my recent (and first) translation of a children’s picture book. For the toddler in your life!

Michael Favala Goldman Sun Singer By Paul Winter

May 26, 2024

One of my favorite pieces of music by one of my favorite musicians, Paul Winter.

Luthier’s Co-op Performance Coming Soon

May 23, 2024

Save the Date! My jazz band Now’s the Time will be performing Friday, May 31, 8-9:30pm at Luthier’s Co-op. Ellington, Mingus, and Morgan will all be there with us!

Whats is Poetry? Part One

April 30, 2024

Feeling pretty stoked to be one of four Western Mass poets featured in WHAT IS POETRY?, a short film by Chris Gentes. What is poetry to you?

The Last Repair Shop | 2024 Oscar-winning Documentary Short

March 17, 2024

If music is important to you, you will love this short film that won an Oscar recently. I recommend that you have tissues handy!

The American Carpenter Behind Worldwide Tove Fever

March 13, 2024

I’m excited to be giving a translation lecture at Smith College on March 25 at 7pm. It is free and open to the public. “Synchronicity and Syntax: The American Carpenter Behind Worldwide Tove Fever”

What is Poetry?

February 22, 2024

Very cool event on Saturday, April 20 at 1pm featuring seven local poets. Three live poets and four poets (including me) on the big screen in the film, What Is Poetry? by Chris Gentes Event is part of the Northampton Lit Crawl, sponsored by Massachusetts Center for the Book. Free. Mark your calendars! Click here to find out more.

Out of the Blue

February 15, 2024

A boy suspects there may be a bear in the house….

New children’s book I translated, coming soon!

Writing Inside the Body

February 9, 2024

This is going to be an excellent ekphrastic and body-centered writing event. Bring your muse.

A Poets Place

February 4, 2024

In the company of poets…

Do you know that April is National Poetry Month? What a perfect time to work on your own poems! Join award-winning poet and translator Michael Favala Goldmanfor A Poet’s Place to deepen your poetry practice, explore writing more effective, striking poems, and get them out into the world. This class will focus on cultivating a daily writing practice, the creative process, revision, submitting to outlets, and assembling manuscripts.

Remember This

January 31, 2024

I haven’t posted much lately, but I just saw this film that feels so important, and is so excellently written and artistically made, I hope you will look into it and see it. Incredible acting and based on the true story of a Polish man who tried to reveal the horror of the Holocaust as it was happening, and to get foreign governments to act. I saw the film through

What Minimal Joy, wins the New England Book Festival for Poetry

December 20, 2023

Pretty stoked that my 2023 poetry collection, What Minimal Joy, won the New England Book Festival for poetry. DM me for a signed copy. $15 plus shipping.

My Rendition of Paul Winter‘s Sun Singer

December 20, 2023

Welcome back the sun this solstice with my rendition of Paul Winter‘s Sun Singer.

Books from Denmark

December 14, 2023

Just got back from a week in Denmark. Brought back some books. So excited to read Mendel Phillipsen & Son, plus two novels by Anne Marie Løn, and other greats like Kirk and Nørgaard.

My Funny Valentine Rendition

December 4, 2023

A bit of My Funny Valentine from my band’s gig last Saturday.

Nomination for a Pushcart Prize

December 4, 2023

Just was notified that this first poem, (The ones with the split tails are terns), got me a nomination for a Pushcart Prize from Kelp Journal. What a thrill! Click here to read it

Red Ogre Reviews My Poem

December 1, 2023

Happy to have this poem, based on my stepfather’s 80th birthday, in the Red Ogre Review.. You can hear me read it to you at this link.

Now is the Time Jazz Band

November 20, 2023

This Saturday night, meet us at Luthier’s Co-op in Easthampton at 9:30pm for a great jazz show!

30 Poems in November

November 1, 2023

Embarking on 30 Poems in November today, in support of Center for New Americans, Inc. They do amazing work for new immigrants! You can donate to their efforts here. My writing this month is dedicated to them.


A yellow blushing peach hangs on its tree
taking in the world
drawing juices
slowly transforming
the taut young flesh
to something sweeter
softer more delectable.
It hangs maturing
by coincidence or fate
has avoided pitfalls —
frost (early and late), disease, pests —
to have come so far.
One day it will wobble and fall
at the moment of total ripeness–
that’s where I want to be.

Felling a Tree

October 22, 2023

Here’s my latest poetry video, with musical accompaniment.

Michael Goldman reads two poems by Rolf Gjedsted

October 18, 2023

And now the fabulous Michael Favala Goldman, who helped inspire the Tove Ditlevsen craze in the English-speaking world.

He’s reading POEMS by Rolf Gjedsted, the popular Danish poet who puts you right there with him, whether drinking alcohol in a stone house in Spain, or drinking .

Tove Fever

October 12, 2023

Just got off the phone with the literary editor for Der Spiegel in Germany. He was doing an article on a new biography of Tove Ditlevsen, an author completely unknown in Germany until she became a bestseller with The Copenhagen Trilogy a couple of years ago. He had heard that I was somehow behind “Tove Fever.” Among other things, he asked why a Danish author from fifty years feels modern and resonates with so many readers today. Turned into a 45 minute interview. So great when that happens!

Poetry Critique Meetup

October 8, 2023

The poetry critique workshops I’ve been running with the support of Straw Dog Writers and the Northampton Center for the Arts are now in their sixth year (!). A few spots are available for this Saturday’s virtual meet-up at 1pm.


September 26, 2023

Very short clip from this summer’s live performance. This poem was inspired by Max Picard’s book The World of Silence.

A Poets Place

August 28, 2023

I will be teaching a six week poetry class on Thursday evenings, starting in October, on zoom, while the Northampton Center for the Arts undergoes renovations. Here is the link for info and registration. Feel free to share. Read more here.

‘Vampire’ and other poems – Rolf Gjedsted

August 15, 2023

Really awesome feature in Bombay Lit Magazine of my translations of Danish poet Rolf Gjedsted. Cool artwork and commentary too! Read here.

Michael Favala Goldman and Now’s the Time Jazz Ensemble

August 14, 2023

Here it is! Our recent event with jazz with spoken word poetry. Enjoy the show! (Large screen and speaker for best results :-))

Poetry Group

July 26, 2023

“I wanted to create something that was more collaborative and had more of a community feel. I wasn’t the expert I am the facilitator, and people can share and come together around how they see the poem becoming its best self.”

– Michael Favala Goldman


Two New Collections

July 25, 2023

Jazz and World Music with Spoken Word/Poetry. Saturday, July 29, 2023, at Northampton Center for the Arts at 33 Hawley Street. Featuring Michael Favala Goldman as he launches two new collections and performs with Now’s the Time Jazz Sextet and Paul Richmond performing with Do It Now. 7pm. Suggested Donation $15-30.

Jellyfish/ You Are

July 22, 2023

Excerpts from…

‘What Minimal Joy’

Available at


Prophesy II

July 21, 2023

Available at

The Georg Complex

July 20, 2023

I’m really pleased that Asymptote has published this novel excerpt in my translation, which they call “savagely funny.” Georg is a has-been author on the verge of a nervous breakdown, when his wife decides to write a novel. He does not take it well. A good example of Danish dark humor. Check it out!

The Translator Disappears

July 18, 2023

“My Basis as a translator is to hone in or tune in to the voice of the original author or the voice of the original text”


Now is the Time – Do it now

July 14, 2023

I am looking for a videographer to record this upcoming show at the Northampton Center for the Arts. Please let me know if you can recommend someone. Thanks!

The Poetry Ritual

July 14, 2023

I am proud to present the fourth annual group reading of the Poetry Critique Meet-up. Thirteen elite poets put on a magnificent performance. The hits just keep on coming!

Writers Night Out at Forbes

June 20, 2023

Join us on Tuesday, July 11, 6:00-8:00pm for Writers Night Out with featured writer Anne Pinkerton at Forbes Library. NOTE the date change due to the July 4 holiday.

No registration required. If you want to participate in Open Mic and read, please sign up by 5:50pm. Ten names will be randomly selected. Each reader will have five minutes. The second half of the evening showcases our Featured Reader.

Hosted by Jacqueline Sheehan, Rick Paar and Beth Filson.

In the Morning

June 2, 2023

From the new collection
‘This May Sound Familiar’
Available soon from

Two Poems by Rolf Gjedsted | Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation

May 15, 2023

You can catch me reading live here next Tuesday. I will have books!

Greenfield Third Tuesday Word
May 16th The Lava Center,
324 Main St. Greenfield, MA 01301

Poetry, Stories, Spoken Word
Doors open at 7:00

The featured writers this month
Karen Warinsky
Michael Goldman

$1 to $5 sliding scale donation to support the Lava center
Books will be for sale
Spread the Word
Your host Paul Richmond

Two Poems by Rolf Gjedsted | Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation

Really happy to have these two translated poems by Rolf Gjedsted published in Exchanges Journal from Univ. of Iowa. With the side by side Danish. Enjoy them. Click here to read them

Rattlecast 193

May 4, 2023

Set your calendar for Monday, May 8 at 8pm ET, as I will be interviewed on Rattlecast, the podcast of the most excellent Rattle Magazine. See it here on youtube.

The Revelry at 33

April 26, 2023

Will I see you on Saturday at the Gala? Music, food, dancing, drinks, and art of course! Look for me on the balcony with my jazz trio!

It’s almost here! Revelry at 33 is happening THIS SATURDAY, April 29. It’s going to be so fun! What better way to support your local community arts center than by partying on a Saturday night? Be there or be square!

In Translation: The Dead’s Bargain

April 25, 2023

A little celebration today: First ever (!) appearance in English of writing by prolific Danish author Rolf Gjedsted. I met Rolf just two months before his death last year. With thanks to Cagibi Journal.

Poetry Critique Meetup

April 14, 2023

Join me at Poetry Critique Meet-up for an opportunity to give and receive constructive feedback on your poems from everyone in attendance. Discover what is working well in your poems and what areas could use some revision. Share your observations with other poets and explore the diversity of the written word.

Facilitator: Michael Favala Goldman is the author of five poetry collections and translator of sixteen books. His work has appeared in scores of publications such as The New Yorker, The Harvard Review, and Rattle Magazine. 

Michael’s blog about the Poetry Critique Meet-up:

Word Festival at Gateway City Arts

April 3, 2023

I’m excited to announce that I filled my slot at the Word Festival organized by Paul from Human Error at Gateway City Arts yesterday. It was a fantastic celebration of words, imagination, and community – the perfect way to kick off Poetry Month! 

Now’s the Time Jazz Band at Luthier’s Co-op

March 7, 2023

Don’t miss the chance to see my jazz sextet perform live at Luthier’s in Easthampton on Thursday, March 16. Come ready to tap your toes and enjoy some incredible music!

Short Course in Poetry

March 7, 2023

Join me for a short course in poetry that I’ll be offering over four Thursday evenings in April and two in May at the Northampton Center for the Arts. It’s a great opportunity to jump-start your poetry this spring. Please follow the link below to learn more and feel free to message me with any questions.

Ellington’s Come Sunday

March 7, 2023

Come and experience the magic of jazz music as my jazz sextet, Now’s the Time, performs live at Luthiers Co-op in Easthampton on Thursday, March 16, from 7-8:30 pm. You can also check out my version of Ellington’s Come Sunday, recorded in Florence in 2019.

Poetry Critique in April

March 5, 2023

There are still plenty of open spots available for my short course in poetry on April 15 and 23. Don’t miss out on this chance to hone your poetry skills!

Short Course in Poetry

February 17, 2023

Join me on a poetry journey in person. I’m excited to have you join me for this incredible experience.

Easthampton Jazz Party

February 13, 2023

Musicians and jazz enthusiasts, mark your calendars for the performances and jam session at City Space in Easthampton on Saturday, March 4. I’ll be there with my jazz sextet, Now’s the Time. Don’t miss out on the fun!

The Nature of Things Poetry Reading

February 10, 2023

Last night, I had the opportunity to read my poem, “The Nature of Things,” at the art opening at Elusie Gallery in Easthampton. The writing and art will be on display for the next few weeks, so please stop by and take a look.

This May Sound Familiar – Book Launch

December 10, 2022

Hey guys, my book launch is happening tonight at 7pm at the Northampton Center for the Arts! You can also join me on Facebook Live. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Writers Night Out at Big Bear

December 6, 2022

It’s on tomorrow! Tuesday! Straw Dog Writers is sponsoring an open mic and poetry reading to celebrate the publication of my new collection “This May Sound Familiar.” Join me and other writers for free. Registration info

Inclination – A poem by Michael Favala Goldman

September 8, 2022

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for my book launch party at the N’ton Center for the Arts on the evening of December 10.

The Third Annual Beals Prize For Poetry

September 2, 2022

Hey folks, I’ll be reading a poem tonight at the Beals Library in Winchendon, MA, as a finalist in their poetry prize. Starts at 6:30pm. Drop by if you’re in the mood for poetry!

Sharon, CT – Library Fundraiser

August 13, 2022

I had a great time attending an author event last week in Sharon, CT. It was a fundraiser to support the local library, and about 30 authors were there to talk about and sign our books. It was a huge success!

The Poetry Ritual

July 26, 2022

Hey everyone! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be hosting a group poetry reading open to the public. Twenty poets from the Poetry Critique Meet-up will be reading for five minutes each. It’s going to be fast-moving with high-quality writing, so don’t miss out! RSVP for the Zoom link by writing to

“If you were here you would feel at home” Book Launch

July 17, 2022

Just a friendly reminder that this is your last chance to register for my unique and memorable author event. You won’t want to miss it! See the details above and register and share to secure your spot.

American carpenter behind international Tove-Fever

June 28, 2022

I am feeling proud about this article in the Danish national newspaper Politiken which includes all my stories and coincidences about becoming a translator and working with Tove Ditlesven’s writing. The headline says “American carpenter behind international Tove-Fever” and the leader reads: 

“The person who set in motion an international interest in Tove Ditlesven’s writing was previously an exchange student who worked for many years renovating kitchens and bathrooms. Here, Michael Favala Goldman tells how it happened.” Article written by Birgitte Kjær.”

Daily Hampshire Gazette

May 21, 2022

I want to express my gratitude to Steve F. at the Daily Hampshire Gazette for his kind column about my two most recent books. Thank you so much!

West Hartford Public Library

May 5, 2022

Hey there! If you’re interested in joining me tonight at 6:30pm ET for a translation book talk about Tove Ditlevsen, you can register here.

Los Angeles Book Festival

May 4, 2022

I recently checked the results for the Los Angeles Book Festival and was thrilled to find out that my book took first place in Poetry! I had no idea how it would do, so this was a huge surprise.

The Trouble with Happiness

April 28, 2022

I’ll be giving one more book launch talk for The Trouble with Happiness next Wednesday at the West Hartford Library. It’s a free event and you can register here.

Danish Translation From DELT Member

February 7, 2022

Above is the video link for today’s reading of new Danish translations from DELT members. (I’m the emcee and the third reader.) Enjoy and feel free to share!

Danish Literary Showcase

February 6, 2022

Sunday at 12:30 ET, I will be hosting ten Danish-English literary translators in a group reading of new work, sponsored by DELT. There will be poetry, fiction and non-fiction, something for everyone. I will be reading from a Tove Ditlevsen novel. This program is free and streaming live. Here is the event link!

The Copenhagen Trilogy

January 22, 2022

Join me for a book talk about The Copenhagen Trilogy and author Tove Ditlevsen on Thursday, Jan 27 at 7pm. I will share the challenges and rewards of translating an emotionally charged memoir. Free and sponsored by 3 Connecticut libraries.