Michael Favala Goldman

‘It Is Not the Voice of Someone Who Is Suffering’ – an interview on Well-Versed with FSG

“Her language is very clipped and accessible. It is not the voice of someone who is suffering. It is the voice of someone who has her wits about her and knows exactly who she is and exactly what her state is, and she’s going to tell you truthfully. She’s not going to leave anything out. She’s going to expose herself completely. She has an enormous appetite for self-sabotage, which is really hard to take as a reader and as a translator for me, because I’m on her side. I want her to succeed. I love her voice. I love her talent. I love her drive. I love her self-determinism.”

That’s Michael talking about Tove Ditlevsen on episode 12 of the podcast Well-Versed with FSG. The podcast was a conversation with FSG author, Catherine Lacey about translating Tove Ditlevsen’s Dependency which was recently published as part of The Copenhagen Trilogy.

You can listen below or read more on LitHub.