Michael Favala Goldman – Who Has Time For This


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Original Poetry by Michael Favala Goldman,
Published by Hammer & Horn Productions.
90pp. Full-Length Ⓒ 2020.

If you have struggled to find time for discovery, this book is for you. Each concise poem is your trusted companion as you embark on new perspectives about family, love, creativity, and, of course, the passage of time. These are poems that do not waste time, and do not waste your time.



When you have a handsome mango
wait longer than your want
for it to soften so
it yields. Your hunger
is irrelevant, you are in service,
so peel slowly,
strip all sides, trace
each curve, let the trappings drop,
purpose past. Cradle your hands,
lift gently, let the fruit taste
you. Memory ajar, relish,
keep meeting
for the first time.


Wow, your poems always speak right to my heart. Sometimes they make me cry. I appreciate how you express deep sentiments in a universal way that reminds me I’m not alone.

–  Christine